Ikkyo timing from shomen uchi attack.

Aikido cards can help learn the basics for sure, but you can't learn a technique from one key photo. Ikkyo, as basic as it is, is a very complex movement with many ways to immobilise an attack. Shomen uchi (head strike) and katate dori (wrist grip) are two attacks that help facilitate distance and timing in learning ikkyo.

We talk about moving offline, but when? Won't the attacker just follow and hit you? Well, yes they will!

To understand when to move, we need to look at a very basic sword cut, which is essentially shomen uchi with a bokken (a wooden practice sword). As the attacker lifts the sword to cut, and their elbows are at head height - they are about to strike hard. There is a point where the attacker is not lifting or striking. Find that point and research it. The down movement can be adjusted so don't move too early!

Treat shomen uchi strike with a tegatana (open hand) as a sword cut.


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